Today I want to introduce you to a brand new blog. It concerns mit-blog-geld-verdienen.de with the topic “earning money with a blog”.
In itself, this blog is a general blog about affiliate and internet marketing. Advertising topics like Google Adsense or Contaxe are also covered.
It is blogged by a simple employee who recently joined affiliate marketing to earn a small extra income.
This has worked well so far and he earns a lot of money every month.
Even more far-reaching topics that are not directly related to Internet marketing are dealt with. These include SEO (search engine optimization), SEM (search engine marketing) or even general stuff like psychological tricks, which help to make the advertising better accepted.
You can also contact the blog operator and ask him to publish an article that includes a link to his own page. The articles are sent after publication directly to approx. 9000 Twitter followers and published on Facebook.
The prices for this are in a very manageable framework, which is also very good for smaller companies, etc. If you write the article yourself and only publish it as a “guest article” , which is really very cheap for a backlink from an article!
The RSS feed is very interesting in my opinion and should be subscribed to. In the short time that I am reading this blog, I have learned a lot about affiliate marketing. In the near future I will even start my own project and look forward to more tips on this blog.
So in conclusion, I can only say: Look at the blog necessarily times. I promise you, you will find one or the other suggestion and, if you do not already do it, with a little work you can even earn money with affiliate marketing.